Salon of Open Secrets – SOS: “New Materialisms, Feminist Practices

First talk in the series of events dedicated to the 100 year anniversary of the admission of women at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

with Karin Reisinger, Patricia J. Reis, Taguhi Torosyan, Stefanie Wuschitz, Barbara Huber and Karina Jarrett

SOS stands for “Salon of Open Secrets”, the salon for open secrets*. And what does that mean?

What are open secrets? The proverbial elephant in the room? Aossip? Publicly censored and stigmatized issues? All of this, but not exclusively. We define Open Secrets as a very situated niche for embodied experiences, knowledge and fun in being a woman*, breaking down binaries with/through/in arts, technologies, engineering and materials science and connecting with each other in the most unexpected and life-affirming ways.

SOS is a virtual version of our cozy hackerspace studio. A place, a conversation, a happening and a connection. Our salon wants to reconnect with all those out there doing and creating, succeeding and failing, formulating new thoughts through things, staying fascinated by the eternal promise of all technology to create a better and more livable future for all .

Format: Each month we will have an open online conversation with an artist, feminist, hacker, maker, scientist about the existing challenges and their solutions – and a connected web of material, hardware components, their ecologies, Weaving economies, labour, geography, ethics and politics of becoming in our more than human world. 

Karin Reisinger – feministische Ökologien

Event link:

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